Can Cats Eat Eggs? Complete Guide

Can Cats Eat Eggs? Complete Guide

Yes, cats can eat eggs, and they love the flavor of fully cooked eggs. Eggs are packed with protein and other nutrients that are very good for your cat.  The safest way to feed eggs to your cat is cooked. Giving raw eggs to cats, even those who consume a raw diet, is not advised. Salmonella or E. coli found in raw eggs may cause major digestive issues for your cat.

Why Can’t Cats Eat Raw Eggs?

Cats should not eat raw eggs because undercooked or uncooked eggs may contain salmonella. Raw egg whites can also be harmful to cats. Egg whites include avidin, a protein that binds biotin, according to Carbo-Johnson. Biotin, generally known as vitamin B7, cannot be absorb because of this protein, which may result in a vitamin shortage. If you cooked eggs for your cat, those outcomes would not occur.

Can Cats Eat Scrambled Eggs?

Yes, cats can eat scrambled eggs. Scrambled eggs is one of the easy and safe ways to prepare eggs for cats—they love it. Prepare eggs without salt or other seasonings, egg whites should be fully cooked.  Make sure the eggs are cook to a temperature of 160°F inside. After that allow the eggs to cool and your cats can eat it as a regular food.

How much scrambled egg Can I give my cat? Eggs should only make up 10% of your cat’s daily calories since they should be feeding as treats. Only a modest bit of egg should be given to your cat because a large egg has roughly 70 calories.

Can Cats Eat Boiled Eggs?

Of course, cats can eat boiled eggs! Boiled eggs is probably the safest and nutritional way to cook eggs for your pet.

You may be asking how many boiled eggs is too many for my cat? Giving your pet an egg per day would be excessive because a 10 lb. cat needs 15 eggs per day, whereas a 150 lb person needs only one. Only one or two eggs each week should be feeding  to cats.

Are Eggs Good for Cats?

Cats are obligate carnivores, which means that the main source of protein in their diet is meat. But eggs are also a good source of protein for cats. The yolk is a fantastic source of healthy fats, whereas egg whites are loaded with protein.

But are Eggs a Healthy Meal for Cats? No, a cat shouldn’t eat eggs as a complete meal. Unexpectedly, eggs don’t provide a cat with the full complement of nutrients that they require to function. Nevertheless, because they constitute a component of a comprehensive and balance diet, eggs are frequently using as a supplement of a cat daily food intake.


Cats definitely can eat eggs and I hope this guide gave you complete clarity. But you should consult your veterinarian before feeding eggs to your cat if your cat has any health condition. Egg yolks added to scrambled or boiled eggs enhance the fat level, which raises the calorie intake and increases your cat’s risk of obesity. Additionally, fatty meals may result in pancreatitis and GI distress.

Try offering your cat scrambled or hard-boiled eggs after checking with your veterinarian to ensure it’s a safe snack. Just keep in mind to only give your pet eggs as part of a well-balanced feeding plan and to regard them as a treat. Select a premium, nutrient-balanced diet for the remainder of your cat meals.

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