Are Fish Happy In Tanks? Is It Cruel To keep Fish In a Tank?

Are Fish Happy In Tanks? Is It Cruel To keep Fish In a Tank?

Like cats and dogs, fish are sensitive, intelligent creatures that feel love and pain. Are Fish Happy In Tanks? Fish confined in small bowls or tanks often become frustrated and unhappy. But fish that are in a sizable and filtered tank are happy. A pump should be installed in every tank to maintain constant water flow.

Fish keepers may witness their pets swimming repeatedly up and down the tank’s glass. This may be the aquatic counterpart of a confined tiger pacing because it is bored due to a lack of stimulus. The fish may, however, be under stress due to a contaminated or overcrowded tank.

What makes fish happy in a tank?

There is a hand full of things that you can do to make a fish happy in a tank. Depending on the fish species, a pH of between 6.6 and 7.8 is ideal for freshwater fish. This line will provide a safe, antiseptic effect that helps in your fish’s resistance to disease. Maintain a healthy aquarium by frequently monitoring pH levels for any changes.

Change the aquarium water. It is recommended to perform a 25% water change in your aquarium at least once each month. This keeps the nitrate concentrations safe and contributes to keeping the tank clean and healthy. Water and dirt can be sucked out of gravel using a vacuum. Maintaining steady water conditions and keeping your water clean supports healthy and robust fish.

Keep the water at a suitable temperature. Fish kept in aquariums can suffer greatly from temperature changes. Avoid placing your aquarium near heating or cooling vents or in a location that receives a lot of sunlight since these conditions might cause your fish to become ill or possibly die. Depending on the species, tropical freshwater fish require a steady temperature of between 72°F and 82°F, thus you’ll need to get an aquatic heater for your tank.

In summary: Test the quality of your water before introducing any new fish. Your pH should be the same as the fish shop from where your pet is coming from, and your chlorine level should be zero. Make sure there are plenty of hiding spots in your tank for the fish. Rocks, bushes, and other objects make an excellent cover, reducing stress on your fish.

How to tell if fish are happy in the new tank?

It is easy to tell if fish are happy in a new tank. Most pet fish who are satisfied and happy will move around the tank often, while sad fish hide most of the time. It can take between two and six weeks for fish to settle in a new tank.

It is important that you set up your new tank correctly since ammonia toxicity in the fish is caused by new tank sickness and can soon turn lethal. Fish frequently pass away suddenly and without notice. Due to the high amounts of ammonia and nitrite, the aquarium water is usually hazy and odorous.

Fish that are healthy and happy typically have a brilliant glow, just like humans do.

Is it cruel to keep fish in a tank?

It isn’t cruel if you take good care of the fish in a secure environment. It is not cruel if you treat the fish as you would any other pet, such as a cat or a dog. Knowing what you’re doing is crucial to keeping your fish tank clean and the fish satisfied.

This is largely dependent on the kind of fish tank you have. There are two different kinds of fish keepers. The fish enthusiasts and people looking for room decor. The second type is considered animal cruelty if a person keeps an Oscar fish in a 14-gallon tank or keeps goldfish and cichlids together only for decoration purposes.

However, if you are the kind of person who researches factors like fish size, number of fish per gallon, pH level, and temperature requirements, you will be able to give them a paradise.

An aquarium does not have to be “cruel” if it is in the right setting, proper setup,  and well maintained. Fish can live a relatively comfortable life with easy access to food and no threat from predators. Because you don’t want your animals to perish, even territorial disputes are typically avoided.

Let’s now define the three terms I mentioned above the right setting, proper setup, and well maintained:

Right environment

Some animals are totally inappropriate for aquarium living. Marine creatures on display in several public aquariums are of course extreme instances. However, many small fish and invertebrates may survive in the wild with no requirement for movement. These animals can live comfortably even in a small tank if there is adequate food available and no outside dangers. Additionally, you must exercise extreme caution when keeping many members of the same species that are similar in appearance, form, or even depend on the same food niche, as major territorial conflicts may arise.

Proper setup

Each species has evolved to fit into a specific environment. Aquatic vegetation is required for some freshwater fish to hide. Some marine fish require rocks with lots of nooks and crannies, others require a sandy bottom to burrow. An animal may experience stress if you place it in a harsh environment. The fish can spend the majority of its time looking for the ideal setting—one to which it has no access. An illustration is a fish in a bare tank that has adapted to live in the sand.

I recall buying a little shrimp goby that was maintained in a barren tank and under extreme stress at the store. The poor fish was frantically circling the tank in search of a place to rest. It was peaceful in a matter of minutes after I brought it home and put it right setting and with the proper setup.

Well maintained

Stress and poor health are the results of inadequate nutrition and dirty water. However, if the water quality is good, the correct type of food is provided, and generally speaking, the environment is adequate and well maintained, the fish can live a long life.


Fish are frequently treated like commodities. Millions of them are bought annually as decorative accessories or as starting pets for young children which in most cases don’t have the knowledge to take care of them. Few people are aware of the suffering that fish endure before they are sold as pets or are knowledgeable on how to properly care for them once they are brought home.

Fish are sensitive, intelligent creatures that deserve love, care, and to be happy like cats and dogs. Indeed, certain fish appear to learn more quickly than some dogs, according to some research. Fish need stimulation from their surroundings and from other fish. So, please prepare your tank to make your fish happy.

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