Do Dog Eyes Change Color?

Do Dog Eyes Change Color?

Yes, dog eyes change color. When dogs initially open their eyes, they are blue or bluish, but when they are around 16 weeks old, their eyes begin to turn to their permanent color, that are normally brown for most dogs. Also, changes in the color of a dog’s eyes may be a sign of an iris or corneal infection. Eye color or cloudiness can potentially be signs of more severe disorders that don’t just impact the eyes.

What eyes conditions would cause a dog’s eyes to change color?

There are various eye conditions that might alter the color of the eyes of your dog. Cataracts are a frequent cause, particularly in dogs, and can result in changes due to congenital conditions or diabetes. Other variations in eye color may result from iris or corneal diseases.

Also, in the correct lighting, you can observe that the eyes of older dogs have a sort of hazy blue hue. This is referred to as lenticular sclerosis, or a hardening of the lens. The other cause of a blue eye is corneal inflammation, which can result from an immunological response, an infection, or an injury.

Unhealthy dog eyes

Your dog may have eyes issues if its eyes do not look as they generally do at any moment. A veterinarian should be consulted if your pet show any of the following symptoms:

  • Discharge from the eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Squinting or cloudiness of the eyes.

The Anatomy of a Dog’s Eye

The anatomy of a dog’s eye is remarkably similar to that of a human, with a few exceptions. Dogs’ eyes, for instance, have a third eyelid for added protection. Additionally, compared to our eyes, their retinas have more rods, which let them process visual stimuli and see considerably better than we do, especially in low light.

A dog’s eye and a human’s eye are essentially the same, apart from the distinctions stated. It has a white fleshy portion called the sclera and a clear outer protective layer called the cornea. The anterior and posterior chambers make up the two internal compartments of the eyes. The other parts receive nutrition from the aqueous humor in the anterior chamber.

The iris, pupil, and lens divide the two chambers. The iris, which is the colorful part of the eye, controls the pupil’s size by expanding or contracting it. The pupil is the tiny opening in the eye that lets outside light in. The lens focuses on the incoming light, which is then taken in by the rods in the retina at the rear of the eye for interpretation.

What is the rarest eye color for dogs?

Like I said above most dogs have brown eyes and dog eye color changes as they age. There are breeds with pale blue, speckled, golden, or hazel-colored eyes. The rarest color of all is green.


So, when do puppies’ eyes change color? Puppies’ eyes change color when they are around 16 weeks old, but when dogs open their eyes, all puppies have blue or bluish eyes. p, their eyes shift to their real color, which is normally brown. Therefore, if you currently have a young dog with blue eyes at home, be aware that they might change color.

Do you know that dogs’ eyelashes grow back? I wrote a complete post about that, take look: Do Dogs Eyelashes Grow Back?