Do Neon Tetras Lay Eggs?

Do Neon Tetras Lay Eggs?

The Neon Tetra is a love fish specie by many aquarium keepers. These vibrantly colored fish are rather detailed, so it’s simple to fall in love with them. You might want to breed neon tetra once you become used to keeping them. So you might be asking do Neon Tetras lay eggs? Is Neon Tetra one of the simple fish species to breed in the fishkeeping hobby?

After mating, the female Neon Tetras lay her eggs for two to four weeks on a flat surface. Eggs from Neon Tetra are small, spherical, white or yellow, and rounded. They might be found on the sand floor and adhering to moss or plant leaves. One neon tetra fish female can produce between 60 and 130 eggs. As the eggs are clear and sticky, they might easily stick to plants and are not very noticeable to you.

On the other hand, Neon Tetras might be difficult to reproduce due to their specialized water requirements. Create a second breeding tank if you want to try breeding them. Only 1 to 2 dGH of water hardness and a pH of 5.0 to 6.0 should be present in the breeding tank. For filtering, use a sponge filter and add live plants.

Neon tetras prefer living in places of deep water that are covered with thick plants and roots. It’s crucial to create a habitat with lots of places to hide in the dark. Give them a lot of greenery, preferably including floating plants.

How often do Neon Tetras lay eggs?

The eggs normally hatch in 24 to 36 hours. Every few weeks or every few months, neon tetra reproduces numerous times a year. The fry is initially fed with infusoria or other small foods until they are big enough to eat brine shrimp or other live or frozen foods.

Tetras typically reproduce in few days. Try modifying the pH and temperature of the tank’s water if the tetras aren’t reproducing.

Do Neon Tetras eat their babies?

Yes, Neon Tetras tend to eat their babies. That’s why it is important that once the eggs are laid and fertilized, you separate the children’s fish from the adult as they will consume the eggs or the fry once they hatch.

Also, after hatching, the young tetras also referred to as “fry,” must be maintained in the dark for roughly five days. Tetra larvae are light-sensitive, and they require darkness to survive.

Pregnant Neon Tetra behavior

You need to watch out for the following traits to tell if a neon tetra is actually “pregnant” or just fat. Typically, female neon tetras are sexually mature around 6 to 8 months of age. When a female neon tetra is ready to lay eggs and has attained sexual maturity, there are a few signs to look out for:

  • Rounder or Plumper Body: Females may have a “breeding belly,” also known as a rounder or plumper body when they are about to lay eggs.
  • Stronger Pigments: When female neon tetras are prepared to lay eggs their colors become more vivid.
  • Behavior Modifications: Females may begin to exhibit new habits, such as frequently swimming close to aquarium plants, rocks, or other things. They might begin to pursue and engage with the male fish in the aquarium.
  • Inflamed Belly: A female is bearing eggs if her abdomen is swollen.

Neon Tetras Behavior:

The male tetras typically engage in a range of courtship behaviors prior to a female tetra releasing her eggs to pique her interest. Chases, showing off their fins and colors, and pushing the female’s tummy are a few examples of these activities.

Male tetras frequently perform a “zigzag” dance, swimming quickly from side to side while flaunting their fins and vivid colors. In an effort to impress the female, they may also circle her while softly prodding her with their snouts or flashing their fins.

Here is another article you might also like: Can Neon Tetra Live With Bettas? 


Yes, Neon Tetras lay eggs, the female neon tetra releases the eggs during breeding and the male fertilizes them. The eggs will develop and hatch away from the female’s body. If you notice that one of your neon tetras appears to have a bigger belly than the others. She might be pregnant but in terms of biology. Tetras are an egg-laying species, but the bulge in your fish’s belly can be an indication that it is pregnant and about to spawn.

Even though neon tetras do not get pregnant, it is still crucial to keep them fed and healthy in order to promote effective breeding and the growth of good eggs and fry.